Red Hair!

If any of you are regulars, or just happen to have previously read my post here then you’ll know I have dip dyed or ‘ombred’ hair… whatever the look I was going for. Don’t get me wrong, I was over the moon with the results, especially the second time around when the ginge tinge left and it was a nice warm blonde!

However, a week or so ago, my sister decided she needed a model for her hairdressing assessment. After throwing around some options we decided to go for purple! Yesterday, was her assessment, and my sister poked and prodded my hair and decided red would go better. By this point I was really excited and like JUST DYE ALL THE THINGS!

I really have no idea what went on that day, I am a little confused as there was a lot of technical shade names and mixing and I just sat there pretending I vaguely understood what was going on. Considering my wonderfully talented little sis was being stalked by her tutors, she kept her cool. And LOOK! LOOK AT MY PRETTY HAIR!


I am so happy with it I could burst! She has dyed the top part of my hair a darker brown, it’s such a gorgeous shade. The red is obveously red! It’s a fantastic shade, looking bright in the light and a lot darker, almost like wine, if the lighting is low.


❤ Feeling the sibling love. So proud of her right now. ❤

Hair FOTD and Wild Ombre update.

Ahoy there! I even did a pirate wave, before realising you guys can’t see that. That’s what you get for narrating your blog in your head before you type. I also think I’ve caught a disease from some of the kids at the school I’m working in. Definitely not feeling 100%, maybe a zombie greeting would have been more appropriate. Brrraaaaains.

I suppose this is a follow up post to the L’oreal Paris Wild Ombre Hair post I did over a week ago. You can read that here if you like. 🙂

The sun hit my hair today and I realised just how well the dye had worked! I am experiencing really dry ends, but I guess that is to be expected considering how mean I was to my hair. Sorry hair, I do love you really.

Ombre Hair

You can see the three different tones my hair has ended up having! I love it! :0)

Anyway, chin up guys, it’s Friday tomorrow!!!

Been Using Bobby Pins Wrong? Me too…

I was going to do a rant post about not being able to find any bobby pins, despite only buying a pack of 50 new ones about 2 months ago. This time around, I even dedicated a small tin to putting them in at the end of the day, despite this I only have about 6 left; even Dora the Explorer wouldn’t be able to find the rest.

images (1)

So I have come to the conclusion that I have mice, that take them and use them for furniture building or something… or they’re building an army and plan on using them as weapons. Hmm…

"Quick... there's another pin!" ... "Oh boy, she's going to go mental trying to find this in the morning!"

“Quick… there’s another pin!” … “Oh boy, she’s going to go mental trying to find this in the morning!”

Anyway,I was looking for an Beatrix Potter image to illustrate my bobby pin stealing mouse point (not that I’m obsessed with Peter Rabbit or anything…), and for some reason I ended up stumbling onto an article that claims there is a right and wrong way round to use a bobby pin. Mind = Blown.

Wiggly side down girls! (And guys). Not the flat side. Who would have known…

*Image from Pintrest*

*Image from Pintrest*

This is because the wavy bit is supposed to stop the hair from sliding out of the pin by giving it a bit of extra grip. And the flat side blends in better with your hair, making them less noticeable.

Apparently I have been using them the wrong way round. Although in my defense I swear my mum used to put them in like that when I was little and she did my hair for dance shows. 😉

PLEASE tell me I’m not the only person that has been using a bobby pin with the wiggly side up and the flat side against the hair!? 

*Side note: if your bobby pins are still being a pain in the butt, and aren’t staying where they should (even when you’re using them the right way round!) then spray them with some hair spray before you put them in your hair and they stick so much better.*

L’oréal Paris Wild ombré hair.

I’ve been debating this for some time, to go blonde or not to go blonde? I had blonde hair when I was little, but it turned really dark as I got older and I’ve always been a bit too afraid to take the plunge and dye it. Then I went through a Goth phase, I love dark colours and the style so I went black, and then raven blue, then purple… red… Don’t get me wrong, I love my hair dark, and the black does suit me. But I’m bored… that kind of board where something HAS to change or I wont be happy.

I haven’t dyed my hair in nearly 3 months. The last colour I had on was red, and it faded out into this gorgeous redish brown shade which I did like.

But being bored I started Googling hair, and Pintresting hair… and then I decided I wanted it dip dying. I looked at the prices at local hair dressers and decided I couldn’t afford it, I really didn’t feel comfortable doing it on my own hair. Then I saw this at Asda today, and I thought, eh. What’s the worst that could happen? (Apart from uneven hair, orange patches etc… the list goes on.)

Retails around £8, which isn't bad considering the cost of a hairdresser.

Retails around £8, which isn’t bad considering the cost of a hairdresser.

It comes with instructions (always handy), a comb for application, conditioning shampoo, and some things to mix.

It comes with instructions (always handy), a comb for application, conditioning shampoo, and some things to mix.

So my hair was like this before:

Previous hair was a redish brown, my natural colour was starting to show at the top (a boring brown).

Previous hair was a redish brown, my natural colour was starting to show at the top (a boring brown).

The colouring process looked terrifying. The instructions were very simple, I will give them that, but trying to decide if I wanted it going from chin, ear or nose level was just scary. Luckily they have loads of example pictures in the booklet, so if you have short hair, long hair, a bob, layered hair etc, they show you how each dye placement will roughly turn out. Then you just have to pluck up the courage to put the dye on the brush and then wipe it into your hair. It was SO easy to do and the brush thing that came with it was really good for coverage. I’ll admit, my sister did mine for me as I wanted to make sure that the back and sides were level.

I decided to dye from the top of my ear, which may have been a mistake!

I decided to dye from the top of my ear, which may have been a mistake but it’s not all bad.

Dying from the top of my ear may have been a bit of a mistake, but on the plus side my hair grows pretty fast, so the dye placement will look better with time. 35 minutes later and it’s not as blonde as I would like, but after blow drying and a little fiddling, I actually like the colours. Phew.


Excuse the really weird face I’m pulling (think it was all the fumes from the dye!) But you can see the shade difference really well here.

**I will stress that this HAS damaged my hair. Stripping the colour from your hair WILL damage it, and it’s not going to get any better any time soon. I knew this, but even I wasn’t prepared for the weird dry ends I now have. *sob* My hair was in really good condition before I did this, it was so soft! So luckily the damage is noticeable to me, but isn’t too bad to look at**


Has anyone else tried to ombré their hair using a box dye? Has anyone done it before at a salon? I’m tempted to get it done at a salon next time, unless going for another box dye would lighten the ends further! If anyone has any advice, it would be HUGELY appreciated! ❤