Creative Blogger Award


I was nominated by Filipa on A Very Fashionable Blog! Thank you! [Go take a look at Filipa’s blog, it’s lovely!] 🙂

The ‘rules’ are:

Thanking the person who nominated you, and posting their blog link

Share 7 facts about yourself

Nominate 20 blogs and let them know, passing on the rules.


You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to of course, but if you do link your post in the comments below so I can read them! 🙂

My rather uninteresting facts:

 1. I get my left and rights mixed up all the time, apparently it’s a ‘dancer’s thing’ and they often have trouble with left and rights if they start from about preschool age? If you dance(d), particularly when you were little, do you have trouble too!? I’m dying to know. I danced from about four/five years old until a few years ago, so perhaps that’s true, who knows.

2. I love cheesecake so much.

3. I’m severely pork intolerant and I get sick and tired of telling people, and then hearing them say things like ‘Oh, Alice can’t have the pork, she’s Jewish…’ I’m not, piggies just make me very very sick! (I have no issue with Jewish people, but I’d rather people know that licking a spoonful of pork gravy would probably render me lavatory bound, and that ‘eh, she’ll be fine if we use the same spoon’ just wont cut it. Soooo please don’t risk it!)

4. Me and my sisters have an extensive dressing up box made up from all the dance costumes we used to wear. My Mum made most of them and I used to love dressing up and becoming somebody else. I swear it’s why I love drawing on my face with eyeliner now…

5. Paloma Faith is the reason I breath sometimes. She is amazing and I could write an essay on how brilliant she is, but I wont.

6. I’ve never been diagnosed as dyslexic, but I get letters mixed up an awful lot. Recently, it took a rather embarrassing phone call for someone to correct my pronunciation and spelling of Anlaby… I’d been writing and calling it ‘Anal-by’.  😥

7. I can play the piano. Plinky plonk.

So there you go! Like I said, if you want to give this a go, feel free to pop your link in a comment 🙂