The Leibster Award! #1

Hi everyone! I have been nominated for the Leibster Award by the wonderful The Little Scottish Corner ! Yay! 🙂


I have been given 11 questions to answer, but if anyone else wants to ask me something feel free to! Here we go:

1. Can you remember what your first piece of make-up was?

I’ve been wearing make-up (on and off) since I was about 5… before you all sit there and jaw drop I used to dance at the Theatre, and you HAD to wear make up on stage. I used to wear foundation, blush, eye shadow, eye liner and liptsick. I’m not sure if they were my mums or if she bought them especially for me to use for the theatre but they were all Boots No. 7 products and I used to love to smell the make up bag she used as it smelt oddly comforting. I used to hate it when my mum applied my lipstick or eye shadow as it used to tickle something terrible! I’m pretty sure the first bit of make-up I wore out of the theatre was a freebie from a magazine. Some friends of my mum and dads used to own a news agents, and they would collect all the free things that used to fall out of the magazines in transit and give them to me and my sister whenever they visited. When I was about 7 or 8 years old I managed to bag some tacky lipstick. It came in a lovely blue tube (probably why I chose it as I loved blue!) I think it had white snow flakes or stars on the tubing… either way the lipstick was SILVER and to top it all off it was glitter loaded. Yeah. I used to be ‘scared’ to wear it in front of people, so me and a friend used to dress up and wear it. We must have looked hilarious. Looking back it may have been from a top of the pops magazine… *face palm* so embarrassing.

2. Do you prefer summer or winter trends?

Errr, winter I think. Because I don’t like to ‘bare skin’ as such. I feel uncomfortable in short sleeves and shorts. Give me some tights, leggings and some funky slippers any day. Usually by the time Christmas is over I’m looking longingly at summery clothes though.

3. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Finland, I’m in love with the idea of that place. It’s just so beautiful.

4. Least favourite food?

I’m not a huge fan of really spicy foods. Oh and quiche. I absoluletly cannot stand quiche, it is one of those foods I can’t even force myself to swallow, it makes me gag. Egg custards too, although this is because I don’t like how they look, my sister used to love them and I used to hate the way the custardy jelly middle used to come away from the pastry. *blurgh*

5. Do you have any siblings and did you get along with them?

I do, 3 of them in fact! 4 if you count the dog hehe. I have 3 sisters, all younger than me. I get on with all of them, but there is a big gap between myself and sister 2 and sister 3 so our relationship is slightly different to the one sister 1 and I have. Myself and sister 1 are only 3/4 years apart. And if you count the dog, then we get on so long as he’s had a bath and isn’t barking at next doors cat. 🙂

6. Favourite colour and least favourite colour?

Blue is my favourite, like an icy blue or the blue colour of the ‘publish post’ button. I really hate a certain shade of blue, its the primary shade of blue you often see on cars, or in those paint bottles in school. I don’t really like the colour Ochre either, its like a mash up of orange, yellowy mustardness. It makes me feel sick.

7. Do you collect anything?

Not really, not hard core collecting anyway. I used to collect Jasmine Becket fairies, the little ornaments, not the paintings she does. I’m not keen on the paintings, but in ornament form I think they’re so cute! I have several of them but I sort of stopped collecting because I had nowhere to put them. I don’t look at them online anymore because it makes me want to buy them all. I used to collect buttons, sequins, stickers and lego men when I was a child.

8. In a years time can you still see yourself blogging?

Yes, even if no one is listening I’ll still be babbling on my little corner of the internet. Maybe I’ll be the blogging equivalent of the crazy cat lady? Who knows!

9. Best drugstore product and best high end product?

A few weeks ago I think I would have found this difficult to answer, but recently I have discovered the Collection 2000 brightening and concealer pen for the best drugstore product. It doesn’t last very long but it is by far the BEST concealer I have used to date. Currently my favourite high end product is Boots No.7, I love their eye liner, foundation and mascara but if I had to pick one it would be their ‘exceptional definition’ mascara. It iss the bee’s knees.

10. Signature hairstyle?

I usually just wear my hair down, and just style my fringe, I don’t know what you would call my signature hair style! If I wear my hair up 9/10 times I will put it in a pony tail and then clip it up so it goes all ‘poofy’? I’ve just asked a friend on facebook and they said whenever they think of me they think of me with two plaits… but that hair style makes me look 12, so I don’t wear it often.

11. All time favourite band of musician?

My music taste changes like the wind. I usually listen something to death and then can’t stand listening to it again for months. But Kate Bush is my all time favourite, Enya and Within Temptation are my current favourites… and the Frozen album is also on my top 10 amazing music list at the moment.


The Leibster rules state I have to choose 11 bloggers who have 200 followers or less. BUT as I’m really not sure how many followers you guys all have, I’m just going to pick 11 of you, should you choose to accept of course! :0)


Dr Icecream

Yuurisans Cosplay

The Girl in the Little Black Dress

A Little Bit of Girl Geekery

Laura DuVall Makeup Artistry 

Rainbows and Polka Dots

Hearts and Daisies

The Celtic Beauty

Olivia’s Teen Beauty

Vicky Finds Work

Underneath the Shell

If you have been nominated, here are your questions:

1. What’s the farthest away from home you have ever been?

2. Do you have any subconscious habits?

3. What is the most expensive decorative object you have ever bought?

4. Favourite sandwich filling?

5. If you could be an animal, what would you be?

6. Have you ever been to A&E?

7. Do you have any pets?

8. Who do you look up to the most?

9. If your house was on fire and you could only save 3 things, what would you save?

10. Are you a tidy or a messy person?

11. What is you favourite ‘me time’ thing to do?